2. März 2013

Ein englisches Miniaturhäuschen ...

mit CIDER-Fässern von Lilliput Lane

"Cider Apple Cottage" from Lilliput Lane from The British Collection.
"Cider Apple" is based upon a cottage situated close to the lovely Somerset village of Selworthy. Selworthy itself is the sort of idyllic English village that we dream about and so seldom find. Everywhere are flowers, and not only in the cottage gardens- wild violets and primroses peep out from beneath roadside hawthorn and holly hedges; yellow alyssum and purple aubretia tumble down moss-covered walls, and daisies and speedwell drift across the green. The stone walls of this particular cottage are a contrast to the more usual colour-washed cob cottages found in this area. Nevertheless, "Cider Apple Cottage" still epitomises that classic rural English country dwelling.

It measures a little over 4 1/2" long, 3 1/2" wide and 4" tall. Dated 1997 [aus der englischsprachigen Produktbeschreibung]

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